What are the benefits of Coconut Oil

What are the benefits of Coconut Oil - Home Guide Expert
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What are the benefits of coconut oil

Not only is it high in natural saturated fats that increase healthy cholesterol in your body, but it also turns bad cholesterol into good.  It is not good to eat too much coconut oil at one time because it can cause upset stomach, loose bowel movements and nausea.  So, what are the benefits of coconut oil?  The oil promotes a healthy heart and lowers the risk of heart disease.

Coconut oil can be used for


This type of oil penetrates hair better than other oils but it isn’t suitable for every hair type.  If you have fine to medium shiny hair you could see shinier and thicker hair as a result of using it.  However, those with coarse and dry hair you could see more brittle hair and some possible hair loss.  It can be used as a natural way to encourage faster, thicker and longer hair growth.  This oil nourishes the scalp and helps to eradicate sebum build-up from follicles.  To get better results you should apply directly to dry hair.  Water repels oil so dry hair is much more likely to retain the oil than when it is wet.


It is a natural moisturizer that can be used on the face and body.  This type of oil absorbs into your skin quite quickly and does not leave your skin feeling greasy.  It normally appears in solid form but when rubbed into the skin it melts.

Face: Clean pores by washing face, then splash face with ice-cold water to close your pores.  When your face is dry apply a very thin layer of coconut oil to lock in moisture.  When using on your face, it is a great night cream.  If it feels too “heavy” on your face, you can always mix a drop or two with your normal moisturiser to “water it down”.  If you are prone to acne or intermittent breakouts on the face use it sparingly because it may actually make acne worse.  This is because it can clog pores.  If you have very oily skin, you should avoid using this on your face.

Body: It can be used to moisturise dry and sunburnt skin during the summer.  If you suffer from acne on your chest, shoulder or back avoid using coconut oil on those areas of skin.

Bites: The oil has antibacterial properties that can soothe the skin if you are bitten by a mosquito, just mix with lavender oil or tea tree oil to speed up the healing process.

Skin lightening:  It is also used as a skin lightener on the face.  Just add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and two tablespoons of coconut oil.  Before you do this, do check with your GP first.

Raw Organic Extra Virgin Coconut oil
Raw Organic Extra Virgin Coconut oil

Weight Loss

The oil contains a combination of fatty acids that affect your metabolism.  It targets the fat in the body, particularly in the abdominal area.  Eat a small amount daily until your body gets used to it.  The oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that will help you boost ketones.  People who do not eat carbohydrates or are on a low-carb diet benefit greatly if they consume coconut oil as it gives an energy boost.


Coconut oil improves digestion as it helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, magnesium and calcium. The effects can be boosted if taken with omega 3.

It can help with symptoms of Crohn’s disease.  Dr L.A. Cohen of the Naylor Dana Institute for Disease Prevention in Valhalla New York noted that the use of coconut oil can provide high energy lipid to patients with this disease.  If you have this disease, you could try eating coconut macaroons or foods rich in Virgin Coconut Oil.

Immune system

Taking coconut oil helps to fight infections and diseases which is a good way to boost your immune system.  It contains lauric acid and caprylic acid which are both known for fighting off Candida (yeast overgrowth) along with bacterial infections.


Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is a great repellent against ticks and fleas.  Because the oil is non-toxic is safe to use on pets.

It is recommended that you could take

Week 1: One teaspoon a day

Week 2: Two teaspoons spread throughout the day

Week 3: Three teaspoons spread throughout the day

You should never exceed this daily amount and if at any time you experience tummy upset, you should stop immediately.

Before taking any supplements you should consult with your GP first.

Further Guides:

How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally








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Coconut Oil
