Aloe Vera is used in most of the world’s health and beauty products and it has some amazing health benefits. This guide will walk you through what are the benefits of Aloe Vera, what are the benefits of eating Aloe Vera and what are the benefits of putting Aloe Vera on your skin. So, what are the benefits of aloe vera?
This beautiful plant is nature’s gift to us. It can be found in healthy juices, diet supplements and skin creams and it has antiviral and antibacterial properties and can treat most skin conditions.
Our experience of using it was when we were on holiday. In hot countries all over the world, this plant thrives in the sunshine and is in abundance.
What are the benefits of putting Aloe Vera on your skin
When a holidaymaker suffers sunburn, the locals advise this is the go-to plant to soothe the skin. It can be used to cool heat rashes and is used as an after-sun lotion. When I suffered sunburn, one of the locals stripped the leaves to expose the gel-like substance within. This gel was then squeezed into a bottle and I used it to cool my skin. It worked and it healed my sunburn much faster than I could ever have expected. I did not need to use an after-sun or any form of medication.
Once the gel is exposed, it does however need to be kept in a container in the fridge. If it is left out, the gel will soon produce a stale smell but the effects that it has on the skin is worth it.
What are the benefits of eating Aloe Vera
Eating the gel from the Aloe Vera plant is possible although it has a very bitter taste. To get its full benefits you could try using a nutribullet or blender and combine other fruits and vegetables to manipulate the flavour.
Aloe Vera contains vitamins A, C, and E. All these vitamins have antioxidant properties and protect you from free radicals which are known to be linked to diseases like heart disease and cancer. Aloe Vera contains essential minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium.
When eaten, yellow latex acts as a strong laxative and helps relieve stomach pain and wind. For those with Type 2 diabetes, Aloe Vera can also help lower blood sugar levels.
It truly is a miracle plant and every home should have one. Just look at what it contains:
Chinese herbalists and herbal medicines all over the world use this product but you can get some of the best benefits by either buying the plant yourself at a fraction of the cost or purchasing capsules.
The gel of this plant contains a carbohydrate known as acemannan. This allows nutrients to reach the cells which nourish them and relieves them of toxins.
If you are pregnant or taking other medicines, you should seek the advice of your GP before consuming.