What is a Loss Adjuster
Within the United Kingdom, a Loss Adjuster works to the Code of Conduct that is published by the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters, the General Insurance Standards Council and the Association of British Insurers. These all require the Loss Adjuster to act with total fairness and honesty amongst other things. Public Loss Adjusters are regulated by the FCA.
When you make an insurance claim, your insurance company may appoint a Loss Adjuster to handle the claim on their behalf. A Loss Adjuster is an independent third party, however you should remember that they have been appointed by your insurance company.
Loss Adjusters are appointed on any claim over a set amount which can be as little as £500.
A Loss Adjuster will need to know exactly what happened to determine what would be covered under your policy. When speaking with them, never assume something happened unless you know for a fact that it did. It could impact your losses either way. During the visit a Loss Adjuster will take detailed notes.
When a Loss Adjuster attends, you should ensure you record the visit yourself either by voice memo on your mobile phone or via a dictaphone. You can then use this information if you need to rely on it later on.