When you move checklist

When You Move Checklist - Home Guide Expert
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When you move checklist

Moving can seriously be a very stressful and tiring experience, but if you get yourself organised at least one month before you move, you can do it effortlessly.  Our when you move checklist will keep you organised well before your move date and afterward.

As soon as you have exchanged contracts and your completion date and time is set for your new home, you should be getting in contact with utilities to let them know you are going to move (at least one month before you move).

TV, satellite, broadband and landline phone services may require an engineer’s visit to your new home so that you do not encounter any disruption to your service.  Some companies will install whatever is required on your moving day or the following day after your move.

Do the following at least one month before you move.

Follow our guide:

1.  Inform people of importance in your life about your move

Use this handy table which is a key component of this when you move checklist.

Entity Date
Friends and family  
Home Insurance Companies  
Bank/Building Society  
Credit Card Companies  
HMRC (Inland Revenue)  
Your Employer  
Post Office (if re-directing post)  
Electricity Supplier  
Gas Supplier  
Water Supplier  
Council Tax  
Satellite and internet providers  
Mobile/Landline provider  
TV Licensing  
Pension Company  
Credit card company  
Pension Companies  
Vehicle Insurance Companies  
Vehicle Registration  
AA/RAC/Breakdown company  
Subscriptions (magazine etc)  
Milk Man  
Gym/Sports Club


2. Contact Your Utilities

Contact your current home’s gaselectricity, water supplier and council tax.  Advise them of your moving date and arrange new services to be installed (if required) for your new home for either your moving day or a day or two afterward.  If you are looking to switch to new providers, click here.

3. Arrange a redirection service from the local post office

Arrange for your post to be re-directed from your moving day (that way you will capture all of your post and it will give you more time to contact relevant companies to let them know your change of circumstances).

4. Arrange childcare/family pet care

Arrange for someone to take care of the kids/family pet for the day and possibly the night.

5. Start dumping the junk!

If you have lots of stuff that you no longer need or want, consider selling it.

6. DIY or Removal Company?

Decide whether you want to do this yourself or arrange for a removal company to do it for you.

  • If you are doing this yourself:

You should really aim to get everything packed up at least one week before you move.  You will be surprised by how many containers and boxes you will need, so give yourself lots of time to get this done just in case you need to order more supplies.

You may want to look into arranging removal insurance to cover your belongings whilst in transit.

  • If you are arranging a removal company like AnyVan.

You will need to advise them of the moving date and size of your property and whether you would like them to pack for you.  Giving this information will help the removal company decide how many people they will need on the day and the size of the vehicle to be used.  Check that they have the relevant insurance.

7. Order your packing supplies and Storage Containers.

Make sure to purchase very strong storage containers like the Really Useful Storage Container range.  The more robust your containers are, the greater the chance of your most precious, valuable and/or fragile items are kept safe and secure during transit.

Bubble Wrap Packing boxes Tissue paper
Packing Tape Packing Blankets Packing Labels
Ink Markers Packing peanuts Tape dispenser


8. Pack one box of essentials to keep with you.

When you get to your new home you will need some essentials straight away before you start unpacking.  This box should contain the following items:

Kettle Tea/Coffee/Sugar Milk
Tea Towels Dishcloths Gloves
Bin Bags Bottled Water Couple of tea mugs
Cutlery Bread/butter/sandwich filling Chopping Board
Bath Towels Shower Gel/Soap Washing Up Liquid/Bleach


9. The night before Moving Day

Make sure you charge your mobile phone.  You will need it to make or receive important calls directly about your move.  The property you are moving into might not have been vacated yet by the seller or you may not be ready.  There may be an issue that needs to be resolved with your Conveyancing Solicitor, the specific time allocated to your completion may have to be moved to a later time etc.  So keep your phone with you at all times and make sure it’s charged.

10. On Moving Day

Take meter readings of the property you are about to leave (gas, electric and water) to submit them to your provider). 

*Good tip, take a photograph of your meters on your mobile phone just before you leave the property for the last time.  When you get to your new house, take a photograph of the meters, check whether it has a water meter and take that reading too.

Follow our “Everything you need to know when you move into your new home” guide here.

*All our guides are generated from real-life experience.  This article contains links to other websites, the content(s) of which we cannot be held responsible for.  Where possible, we have added affiliate links to specific products or services.   You can find these products and services without using the links contained in the article.  In order to sustain the website so that we can write these articles, we may use affiliate links.  If no affiliate link is available, we will directly search the item and link it back to the product or service.

We hope you found our when you move checklist guide helpful.

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