How do I switch my gas and electricity to another supplier

How do I switch my gas and electricity to another supplier - Home Guide Expert
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How do I switch my gas and electricity to another supplier

Over the past few years, there has been a real buzz about switching providers to save money on energy costs.

It has truly never been easier, but some of us like to stick with the traditional companies that really do not have our best interests at heart.  We affiliate with MoneySupermarket to provide a switching service on this site due to their excellent reviews on Trustpilot.  If you are looking to switch providers, click here.

If you currently have a prepayment meter, you can switch to another gas or electricity supplier providing you owe less than £500 per fuel.  For our guide on how to change from a prepayment meter to a standard meter, click here.

How to switch

Follow these simple steps; you will not believe how easy it is:

  1. Contact your current supplier, ask for a statement of your yearly usage of both gas and electricity (ask them to email or post you a copy).
  2. Once you have that information, either click here to compare providers on MoneySupermarket or go online and search using the words “switching my gas and electricity supplier“.  You will find a host of companies offering you cheap deals, but what you need to do is pick a comparison site that is accredited by Ofgem that searches a wide range of companies.
  3. Once you have selected a company, you will be asked a range of questions including entering your personal information.
  4. You will then be asked to enter your current usage information (this will be contained within the statement from your current supplier).
  5. You will then be shown a list of companies with the amount you can save per year. You will also be shown how long the offer lasts (which includes fixed rates for a set period of time) and some rates that have an early exit fee or cancellation fee.
  6. Once you select your new supplier and plan, all that is left is to agree to the switch (if you don’t understand its terms, we recommend that you seek independent legal advice) and the new supplier will do the rest.
  7. Do not cancel your current direct debit until the last payment leaves your account.  A switch can take up to six weeks to take effect.
  8. Once you have switched, your new provider will contact you to confirm your start date.  You will need to take a meter reading on your start date and give it to your new supplier.  We recommend that you take photographs of your meters so you have a physical record of your meter reading.  You can always send the photographs by email to your new provider.
  9. If for some reason your switch is refused due to debt, click here.  You can always check your credit score and make amendments to it if necessary (if it too low).

Ofgem is the regulator for Gas and Electricity Markets.  Their function is to protect the interests of electricity and gas consumers.  Ofgem has provided an easy online guide to help you compare tariffs and get a better deal on your gas and electricity bills.

If you have moved into your first home, ask the previous owner for their usage or an average of what their monthly bills were.  That could give you a starting point to choosing a supplier when you have no previous yearly usage to work with.

We hope you found our How do I switch my gas and electricity to another supplier helpful.

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