How do I improve my properties energy efficiency
There is now a wide range of energy-saving improvements available for your home. So how do I improve my properties energy efficiency?
The energy-saving trust has a great guide to help you along your way. You can also find energy grants and advice on ways to improve your energy efficiency here. You can switch your energy provider here.
- Council tenants should talk with their housing provider for guidance.
- People that rent privately can also look at ways to improve energy efficiency here.
- You may also get help if you own your own property under the Green Deal with installing a new boiler, cavity wall insulation, solid wall insulation, draught-proofing, loft or roof insulation and underfloor insulation. The Green Deal can help you with some of these improvements without having to pay the costs upfront. For guidance, click here.
- If you use a Tumble Dryer, consider changing your existing model to a more energy-efficient appliance. Click here for more information.
- Look to lowering your heating bills by following our guide here.
We hope you found our how do I improve my properties energy efficiency guide helpful.