What is Council Tax
Every home in England and Wales is subject to monthly council tax payments. What is Council Tax?
If you own or rent a property, the person listed as living at the property (i.e. the bill payer) needs to pay this tax. It is used to pay for local services such as refuse collections, roads and street lighting and schools.
The tax is based on the value of the property you are living in. If your property has a higher market value, it will be placed in a higher band. People over 18 who own or rent a property pay council tax. People over the age of 80 do not have to pay council tax.
How to find my Local Authority
If you need to find your Local Authority, click here.
How much is my Council Tax
If you need to find out how much your payments will be, click here.
How is Council Tax calculated?
To find out how much is council tax a month and the band for a home in England and Wales, click here.
Certain people can apply for discounts and reductions. These discounts and reductions can be granted if certain conditions are met, they are not based on income. Single persons residing in a property are usually given a 25% discount. If you are currently unemployed, you may be entitled to financial help with your council tax bill. Where two people reside in a property and one person is disabled, you may also receive a reduction on your council tax payments. For more details on discounts and reductions, click here.
In some cases, properties are exempt because they may be empty, are having building works carried out or if it is a second home.  This means you do not have to pay anything for the time it qualifies for exemption. To find out who is exempt from council tax, a list of all the exemptions and how to apply, click here.
If you are a landlord, click here for more information on what your obligations are.
If you are a tenant, click here for more information on what your obligations are relating to Council Tax payments.
How to Buy your Council Property
If you’re looking to buy your council property, click here for guidance.
How to report council property repairs
If you need to report repairs to your local authority in relation to council property repairs, click here.
Warm Home Discount Scheme
To apply for a Warm Home Discount Scheme, click here.
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