Can I live on a campsite

Can I live on a campsite - Home Guide Expert
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Can I live on a campsite

Many people can now no longer afford to rent or buy properties close to cities and some are turning towards campsite living during the week to enable them to get into work quicker and live more cost-effectively.  Some people live in caravan parks for up to 11 months of the year or rent/buy houseboats.  So, can I live on a campsite?

Town dwellers pay extortionate amounts of money buying properties in areas such as London and have found a niche way of living the simpler life…by commuting into work from campsites during the week.

As strange as this sounds, many people now do this.  Popular London/Essex-based campsites such as Debden House, Lee Valley and Waldegrave holiday park in Mersea have seen a change in their regular customers.

Personally, it must be sheer hell in the winter months and pure heaven in the Summer, but if funds are limited, what is there to lose!

We hope you found our can I live on a campsite guide helpful.

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