Can I get free Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on the NHS

Can I get free Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on the NHS - Home Guide Expert
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Can I get free Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on the NHS

Having first-hand experience of going through counselling and CBT therapy, this article is meant to enlighten those who feel that there is a stigma attached to it.  Covid 19 has affected so many people’s mental health and admitting that you feel a little broken to family and friends is only the first hurdle.  Once you accept it and deal with it, it can open your mind to how you really see the world and those around you.  So, can I get free cognitive behaviour therapy on the NHS?

Most of us have suffered the loss of a loved one, been treated badly by others, bullied at work, online or at school and don’t know how to deal with it.  You may have an addiction that you just can’t shake.  You may feel depressed and do not understand why.  You may have family that do not support you as they should.

We recommend that EVERYONE should get help, no matter how small or trivial the matter seems.

Counselling and therapy is widely available on the NHS, although you will need to wait for a few weeks to a couple of months to be seen.  Once you are in the system, the help and support is absolutely amazing.


CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) is a talking therapy that helps you to change the way you behave, think and understand how others behave around you.  It is mainly used to treat current problems and in some cases, it can help you understand the past.  It is used to treat:

Although it cannot magically take your problems away, it can help you deal with them and how you interact with others that may be causing you problems.  It can also help with the following:

To get free NHS Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, you can either contact your GP to be referred or you can refer yourself by clicking here.

However, if can afford it, you can choose to pay for your therapy privately.  The cost of private therapy sessions varies, but it’s usually £40 to £100 per session.


For guidance on NHS counselling services, click here.

We hope you found our can I get free cognitive behaviour therapy on the NHS guide useful.

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